Most Important Idea from the reading
With all the image recognition software that is being created and improved each year such as iphoto’s facial recognition, geotagging Flickr photos, and the Wikitude travel guide application for Android (just to name a few) it has lead to an “increasing richness of both sensor data and machine learning” that will “lead to new frontiers in creative expression and imaginative reconstruction of the world.”
With my major of DTC, not knowing if I will go the route of graphic design, 3D modeling, animation, advertising, or web designing, this recognition software could lead our world to achieve things we never dreamed of. In the article it talked about Photosynth, Gigapixel photography, and infinite images which is what Google Maps is (on street view), creating a 3D experience from just a set of photos.
I believe that with this technology, and the more it grows, improves, and becomes more amerced into our culture (such as in applications) it could change the way 3D animation and modeling is created, advertising on any type of medium, as well as a new way to design and view web sites. With my future giving me so many opportunities to explore various fields, this emerging technology could be used to my advantage to improve any one of those fields to create more interesting, futuristic, and creative designs.
Most exciting web application
There are many types of application like Waze, which is a free mobile application for people to use on their phones that use live maps and give you real-time traffic updates. I believe that just the idea that we can find out at the tip of our fingers where traffic is bad, without having to experience it. It might not seem as much, but when you think about it, it can give you extra time in allowing you to know how much time it will take to get somewhere with traffic at the time (thus allowing people to save time in their busy lives). It also has a possibility of leading to less speeding and accidents in that people won’t be as late as much and not in such as hurry to get places or beat traffic.
It may seem like a simple and not very important application, but it is very nice information to have at the tips of your fingers.